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Based on your responses, we'll provide personalized recommendations for the best products to address your hair issues. You'll also receive insights on the most effective ingredients and dietary tips tailored just for you.

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Ayurveda has all the answers We simply ask the right questions

Precise diagnosis is key to designing your unique custom solution. Spare 4 minutes to help us understand your hair and scalp health.


Spend just 4 minutes on our, quiz for a lifetime of personalized care

one step to unlock endless benefits.

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Understanding You

You are unique and so are our formulas

Help us know you, your external environment, and internal Prakruti to curate your precise personalised solution.

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Understanding You

You are unique and so are our formulas

Help us know you, your external environment, and internal Prakruti to curate your precise personalised solution.

Let’s start with


Select what is true about where you stay

What kind of weather are you expecting over next 60 days

Height & Weight

Any age is great to start a hair care routine. When is your birthday?

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Understanding Your Hair

Getting to the root of your concerns

Help us know your hair better; the nature and severity of your concerns, and your current care routine

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Understanding Your Hair

Getting to the root of your concerns

Help us know your hair better; the nature and severity of your concerns, and your current care routine

Select your Hair Type

Preferred water temperature for hair wash

What type of water do you use for hair wash?

How frequently do you use shampoo/conditioner?

How frequently do you dye/colour your hair ?

How often do you use heat-styling tools (hair dryer, straightener, curling iron)?

How many time do you oil your hair in a week?

How was your hair in your younger years
(below 25)?

You can select max 3

Do You have Family History of Early Baldness ?

* You can select upto 3 options

Does someone who stays with you experiencing similar hair problems?

The top 3 concerns that you are facing presently

The top 3 concerns that you are facing presently

Select the severity of your problems


Select the severity of your problems


Select the severity of your problems

Hair Breakage/Split ends



Poor Growth of Hair

Itchy scalp

Frizzy Hair

Burning sensation on the scalp

Blisters on the scalp

How did your problem start?

Hair Fall

Hair Breakage/Split ends



Poor Growth of Hair

Itchy scalp

Frizzy Hair

Burning sensation on the scalp

Blisters on the scalp

Describe your current hair texture

Do you experience bad odor from your hair/scalp?

Do you have skin problems similar to those on your scalp (itching/scaling)?

Your scalp naturally tends to be

The top 3 concerns that you are facing presently

The top 3 concerns that you are facing presently

Select the severity of your problems


Select the severity of your problems


Select the severity of your problems

Hair Breakage/Split ends



Poor Growth of Hair

Itchy scalp

Frizzy Hair

Burning sensation on the scalp

Blisters on the scalp

How did your problem start?

Hair Fall

Hair Breakage/Split ends



Poor Growth of Hair

Itchy scalp

Frizzy Hair

Burning sensation on the scalp

Blisters on the scalp

If you don’t apply anything to your hair, your hair tends to be

Do you experience bad odor from your hair/scalp?

Do you have skin problems similar to those on your scalp (itching/scaling)?

Do you have any of these health conditions we should know about?

* You can select upto 3 options

Have you experienced any of these in the last
3 months?

What type of hair medication are you currently using?

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Understanding Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle choices affect your life

How you choose to live every day, plays a key role in determining the quality of your life.

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Understanding Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle choices affect your life

How you choose to live every day, plays a key role in determining the quality of your life.

How stressed are you?

How do you rate your sleep quality?

How do you rate your appetite or eating capacity?

How is your bowel movement?

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Understanding Your Diet

We are what we consume

Your hair gets nourishment from the food you consume and hence, it is of utmost importance for us to know what constitutes your diet.

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Understanding Your Diet

We are what we consume

Your hair gets nourishment from the food you consume and hence, it is of utmost importance for us to know what constitutes your diet.

Which taste do you like the most?

How often do you consume non-veg food (excluding eggs)?

How often do you eat food cooked outside?

What does your daily work primarily entail?

What do you regularly use for commuting?

Which of the following items do you consume frequently?

How often do you sleep late at night?

In the last 2 months: What is true about your weight?

How often do you work out/play sports/exercise?

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Understanding Your Menstrual Cycles

Hair health is rooted in hormonal balance

Answer the following questions, if applicable to you to help us assess your menstrual cycle and its effects on your hair.

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Understanding Your Menstrual Cycles

Hair health is rooted in hormonal balance

Answer the following questions, if applicable to you to help us assess your menstrual cycle and its effects on your hair.

Select whichever is applicable regarding your menses

Have you been suffering from irregular menstrual cycles over the last 3 months?

Did you experience heavy bleeding or longer cycles in the last 3 months?