Return to the wisdom of Ayurveda

You are unique and so are your hair and skin concerns. At meVana, we curate holistic solutions that include your lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and everything that impacts your body's inner balance. Analysing 84 factors based on your quiz, we formulate your custom blends combining the ancient science of Ayurveda with modern innovation. 

All our ingredients are sourced after rigorous research, ensuring maximum efficacy and  guaranteed results. meVana's customised care is designed to deeply understand the current state of your hair and skin to restore their natural best state - The Origin State.

The MeVana Philosophy: What constitutes The Origin State?

Doṣa dhātu mala mūlaṁ hi śarīram (Suśruta Sūtra 15/3)

It means that the roots of the body's health lie in the balance or imbalance of Doshas, the three functional entities; Dhatus, the seven structural elements; and Malas, the three forms of body waste. In Ayurveda, maintaining a harmonious balance among these elements is crucial for good health, while imbalances may lead to various health issues. And this is the very Principle on which we have based our unique ANALYSIS!

Puruṣaṁ puruṣaṁ vīkṣya (Cāraka Sūtra 1/123)

This generates the profound idea that each individual possesses distinct characteristics. Remarkably, Ayurveda stands as the only science in the world that declares, 'You are Unique!' Recognizing that every individual carries unique traits and a distinct body composition, Ayurveda tailors its approach to address each person's specific concerns, and so does all our offerings!

Sarvaṁ dravyaṁ pāñcabhautikam asminnarthe (Chárak Sūtra 26/10)

In other words, "Everything in this universe consists of the Panchamahabhutas or five elements!" It implies that the human body and nature are interconnected through these five natural elements, and whatever is lacking inside your body is eventually derived from nature.

Realign with the rhythm of nature

Set forth on a journey towards your natural best state

Discover Your Origin State