Where it all started: The birth of meVana

The Ancient science of Ayurveda states that we are born with a unique combination of Doshas, Dhatus, Gunas, and Malas that govern our physical and mental wellbeing. With time, these elements often go out of balance due to several external and internal factors which may manifest as hair problems. To restore your hair health, you must return to the original state of balance and that's where meVana comes in. Using the science of Ayurveda, we help your hair and scalp return to The Origin State.

How we restore your hair’s natural state

A number of factors, both external and internal, determine your hair health. At meVana, we have developed a proprietary, intricate algorithm that assesses your hair health based on factors such as body composition, health, family history, and more. Based on the assessment, we curate 100% ayurvedic blends which are personalized for you. To help you restore your natural hair health, we also give customized lifestyle and dietary recommendations.

Know our Ayurveda masters

Dr. Rani Suresh Iyer Ayurveda Physician
Dr. Kanchan Khond BAMS, MD (Ayurveda)
Dr. Dinesh Hingu Ayurveda Physician
Dr. Kavita Clinical Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator (C.D.E.)

Realign with the rhythm of nature

Set forth on a journey towards your natural best state

Customise your solution