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A Personalized Dincharya Card
Designed after knowing you
Hi Ruchi Pandit
Very High
We at Mevana focus on your hair health. Hair health is a combination of internal health and
external environment.
By focusing on both the levers together we take you to the world of no fear and only care.
Cheers to good hair and health days every day.
Diet Recommendation
(Dhatu Analysis)
How to use it
- Amla+ Tulsi juice 2-3 times a week
- Beetroot+ Spinach juice 2-3 times a week
- Nuts – Everyday during days
DIY Hair - your customized ingredients are
How to use it
- Take equal amount of curry leaves,mint leaves and fresh methi leaves in a mixer and blend it
- Add one table spoon mustard oil,and coconut milk
- Add 2 table spoon rosewater
Habits to focus on and improve
Sleeping on time and for at least
8 hours
( Only 1 habit a month)
Sleeping on time and for at least
8 hours
( Only 1 habit a month)
Habits to add
- Exercise
- Abhyanga ( Self oil massage )