Your Daily Health Regime

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Ideal time to Get up Before sunrise Before sunrise Before sunrise Before sunrise Before sunrise Before sunrise Before sunrise
Start your day with Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling Mouth Pulling
Empty your bowel and bladder. If you have difficulty drink warm lemon water. Brush your teeth
Breathing exercise
(minimum 10 minutes)
Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath Kapal Bharti, Anulom Vilom, holding the breath
Morning Juice
(Empty stomach)
Amla + Tulsi Amla + Tulsi Beetroot + Palak Beetroot + Palak Amla + Tulsi Amla + Tulsi Beetroot + Palak
Hair Regime Shampoo Conditioner Shampoo Conditioner Shampoo Conditioner DIY Hair Pack
Oil your scalp 15 mins before shower Oil your scalp 15 mins before shower Oil your scalp 15 mins before shower Oil your scalp 15 mins before shower
Hair Nutrition
(Include them in your diet)
Bottle Guard (Lauki) Green gram soup Dry Fruits (Trail Mix) Aswathgandha Dry Fruits (Trail Mix) Aswathgandha Dry Fruits (Trail Mix)
Mevana’s Ritual Success Tracker

(Celebrate small wins! Each tick means you're one step closer to healthier, radiant hair)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30

*If you miss a day, don’t worry—just get back on track the next day!